Comments & Complaints
We operate a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints. Our system meets the national criteria.
If you need to raise concerns or a formal complaint regarding our Service, please write c/o Group Practice Manager, Horse Fair Practice Group, Hillsprings Surgery, Lovett Court, Rugeley WS15 2FH, or email
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 2 working days.
Concerns raised will be fully investigated and you will receive a formal, written response within 28 working days.
If the investigation is likely to take longer than 28 working days we will update you on the progress and provide you with a new timescale.
The practice staff also appreciates positive feedback and compliments. Please put any comments in to reception or to the Practice Manager.
The Health Service Ombudsman
The Health Service Ombudsman has published a booklet that describes the ‘six principles for remedy’ in relation to complaints handling and involves:
- Getting it right
- Being customer focused
- Being open and accountable
- Acting fairly and proportionately
- Putting things right
- Seeking continuous improvements
If you remain unhappy after everything has been done to try to resolve your concern or complaint you have the right to approach the Ombudsman.
Tel: 0345 015 4033