What is Patient Access?
With Patient Access, our online service, you can now view, book and cancel appointments from home, work or on the move – wherever you can connect to the internet.
What’s more, because Patient Access is a 24 hour online service – you can do this in your own time, day or night.
Plus, Patient Access is not just for booking GP appointments, you can also:
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Change your address details
- View medical record details online. Once registered, you will be able to view your medical record online, from the date your Patient Access registration became live.
Proxy Access
Proxy Access allows another person to manage a patient’s Patient Access account. Proxy Access is often used by carers of adult patients; or parents or recognised carers of young children.
How do I register for Patient Access?
- Please speak to any member of our Team
- Click on the Register Now link on the Home Page of the Practice Website.
- Please email the surgery on horsefair.practice2@nhs.net
Is my information secure?
All information that is sent to your surgery via Patient Access is secure. Your personal details are encrypted and protected using the highest standard internet security, so it cannot be intercepted. Only you and your GP surgery are able to see this information