New Patient Registration

Patients living within the practice area may apply to register with the practice by completing form GMS1 available from reception and showing two forms of identification – a utility bill and one which contains a photograph i.e. a passport.  Patients residing outside the practice area may be accepted at the practice’s discretion.

Alternatively, please follow the link below to apply to register with The Horsefair Practice online.

Once you are registered with the surgery you will be invited to attend for a New Patient Health Check with the practice Health Care Assistant.  The examination will measure your height, weight and blood pressure, test your urine and record your past medical history.  If you are currently taking any medication, you will require an additional appointment with a GP before your first prescription will be issued.

Since changes in the GP National Contract came into force on 1st April 2004, patients are now registered with the practice and not individual doctors.  If you live in our practice area and would like to register with us, please complete one of our registration forms.

Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.

If you have any queries regarding your registration, please:

Named GP for all Patients

From the 1st April 2015, all GP practices are required under the terms of the latest GP Contract to allocate all patients a named GP. This does not affect your treatment or care at the practice and you can continue to see any GP of your choice as normal.

You are unlikely to see any notable change in the way care is delivered to you by our practice.

We are a group practice where all GP’s have immediate access to your medical records (of previous patient consultations), please continue to book appointments with any available GP. Your named GP will not be available at all times and if your needs are urgent, you will need to discuss them with an alternative available doctor.

If you are unsure of who is your named Doctor please ask at Reception.

Catchment Area